Centres de Recherche Agricole de Bambui

Created in 1996, the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD) Bambui covers research structures in the West and North West Regions representing the Western Highlands agro-ecological Zone III. It has six research structures on Bambui, Mankon, Foumban Foumbot, Bangante and Dschang.

Babungo and Santa are the operational Substations within the jurisdiction of IRAD Bambui. There are large experimental plots within the North West Region especially in Mezam, Menchum and Bui Divisions. Batibo, Menjiand Nkambe are newly created substations under IRAD Bambui.

Mission of IRAD BAMBUI

  • Implement scientific programming centered around the priority sectors for the development of the Western Highlands, and based on the real needs of the users,
  • Ensure the sustainable management of local resources and the conservation of the environment,
  • Promote valorization and make available research results and products which respond to the needs of the end users,
  • Make available all information that can have an impact on agricultural development. 


Research activities in IRAD Bambui are divided into 5 Research Domains namely:
  • Annual crops: maize, legumes, vegetables, roots and tubers
  • Perennial crops: coffee and fruit trees (mangoes, avocado, citrus)
  • Animal Production and Fisheries: Cattle, Monogastrics, Small Ruminants, Animal Health, Aquaculture and Fisheries.
  • Forest and Environment: Biodiversity
  • Farming Systems, Economics and Rural Sociology: Socio-economics, Food Technology and Post-Harvest, Agroforestry, Intensification and Diversification.

Contact :

P.O. Box 51 or 80 Bamenda - Cameroon

Tél. : +237 672 65 74 55

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