Centre de Recherche Agricole d'Ekona

Geographically, Ekona research centre is situated between the latitude 40 South and 60 North and longitude 80 West and 100 East. It covers a surface area of 55,000km2. It is found in agro-ecological zone iv of Cameroon, a zone characterized by evergreen vegetation and mono modal rainfall pattern. Rainfall measurements range between 2500 mm-4000 mm per year. The average temperature ranges between 200C-210C.

Administratively, it is situated at the entrance of the Ekona village in the Muyuka Sub-Division, Fako-Division of the South West Region. It is situated along Buea-Muyuka highway, directly opposite CDC Ekona yard.

Brief activities

  • Rubber technology laboratory
  • Soil and cartographic laboratory
  • Entomology laboratory
  • Fruit tree production unit
  • Biotechnology laboratory
  • Post-harvest unit
  • Animal production unit
  • Root and tubers
  • Rubber Nursery
  • Rubber physiology/Agronomy
  • Rubber pathology
  • Palm pathology
  • Farming system unit


PMB 25 Buea, South-West Region.

Tel: (237) 33322022/ 677433930

Fax: (237) 33322022

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