Cooperation: IRAD and ISTAO Sign a Partnership Agreement in Yaounde

Convention entre le DG de lIRAD No WOIN et le promoteur de lIstao Pascal ANONG ADIBIME

“Implement training, research and innovation activities focused on priority issues common to both parties, with a view to ensuring sustainable socio-economic and environmental development through research and the employability of populations”. This is the aim of the framework partnership agreement between the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development and the Higher Institute of Agricultural Techniques of Ombessa (ISTAO), which came into effect on 22 August 2024. Dr Noé WOIN and Mr Pascal ANONG ADIBIME (former minister), respectively Director General of IRAD and Promoter of ISTAO, solemnly initialled the documents at the Nkolbisson Institute.

More specifically, the collaboration between the two institutes aims to ‘contribute to capacity building for students, trainers and researchers; promote the sharing of professional, scientific, technical and academic experience; carry out jointly or by one of the “Parties” specific action programmes and/or projects decided upon jointly; promote the transfer of technologies, research results and innovative knowledge; and develop any other cooperation activities on which the “Parties” agree.

LIRAD et lISTAO dsormais li par un partenariat

IRAD is the State of Cameroon’s agricultural research arm, while ISTAO is a private higher education institute established on 05 October 2011 and specialising in training students in the fields of agronomy, topography and information technology.

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