Rubber cultivation: IRAD and HEVECAM sign a collaboration agreement to boost the sector

Lors de la signature de la convention entre le DG de lIrad et le DG dHevecam

"Provide qualified personnel to accompany those of HEVECAM (Hévéa Cameroun S. A) and provide assistance during field work; share workspaces, experimental sites and scientific data, as well as improved plant material for testing, wherever possible; provide other laboratory equipment and services as required; host and supervise HEVECAM technical staff, according to an approved plan and depending on the availability of resources; undertake research on rubber and other plant and animal species, support routine research activities and ensure the security of fields and equipment".

This is the expertise that the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD) intends to bring to HEVECAM, within the framework of this Partnership Agreement, signed by Dr Noé WOIN and Benoît SNOECK, respectively IRAD DG and HEVECAM DG; on 30 January 2024 in Yaounde.

LIRAD et lHEVECAM dsormais lis par une convention

Within the framework of this memorandum of understanding spread over a period of 05 years, HEVECAM is responsible for providing all necessary support (financial, technical, etc.) to IRAD to facilitate the implementation of the activities identified; contribute to the maintenance, rehabilitation and repair of the equipment used to carry out the tasks identified; host trainees on internships ; share workspaces, experimental sites and genetic material with IRAD researchers, the secular arm of the State of Cameroon in agricultural development.

The Communication Unit


Le projet APAFReP - Amélioration de la production de l’agriculture familiale et réduction de la pauvreté – lance un appel à micro-projets dans le cadre de sa subvention PDTIE- Projet de Déploiement des Technologies et Innovations Environnementales pour le développement durable et la réduction de la pauvreté. Cet appel à propositions a pour but de sélectionner 16 micro-projets pour développer de nouveaux produits dans le segment des semences, des biopesticides (à base de microorganismes), des biofertilisants (à base des amendements organiques), des équipements agricoles et des aliments à haute valeur nutritive pour poisson. Les micro-projets seront financés à hauteur de 5 000 euros (3 279 785 Fcfa) minimum et 11 000 euros (7 215 530 Fcfa) maximum. Les dossiers de candidature doivent être déposés au plus tard le 27 janvier 2023.

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