Presentation of the WAVE action plan

IRAD General Manager presides over the presentation ceremony of the action plan for the fight against cassava viral diseases of the WAVE programme, on 18 May 2021 in Yaounde.

In the presence of experts of the cassava sector, representatives of development partners and sectoral ministries, the Director General of IRAD, Dr Noé WOIN, solemnly launched the presentation of the action plan for the control of viral diseases of cassava of the Central and West African Viral Epidemiology for Food Security (WAVE) programme, on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, at the Institute's Hall of Records in Yaounde.

presentation wave

Opening of the meeting by the DG

The African cassava mosaic disease caused by Germinviruses is the main constraint to cassava production. It can lead to a 40 to 70% loss of yield, which can result in an annual economic loss of 2 to 3 billion dollars (about 1000 to 1500 billion FCFA) for sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, the cassava brown streak disease, which is rampant in East Africa and is spreading to Central and West Africa, is adding to the threat to production, with losses that can reach 90 or even 100%," the IRAD Director General said at the outset of his speech at the opening of the seminar, which focused on the strategy for combating viral diseases of cassava.

And aware of the seriousness of this situation, according to Dr. Noé WOIN, "IRAD is involved in several projects and programmes to improve cassava productivity and fight against viral diseases". Among them is the WAVE programme, based in Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire).

Through this programme supported by the Bill & Melinda GATES Foundation (USA), IRAD's biotechnology laboratory has focused on the characterisation of plants, viruses and other plant pathogens.

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For some reason, the WAVE programme focuses on cassava mosaic disease control and cassava brown streak prevention. In order to preserve Cameroon from the latter disease with very devastating consequences, IRAD researchers have set up a protection and response plan.

According to the organisers, this conclave enabled participants to improve their knowledge on cassava viral diseases, to be briefed on the action plan for effective management, mitigation and control of cassava viral disease threats, to define the role and responsibility of stakeholders in the prevention of cassava brown streak and to identify the next steps for the implementation of the valuable document.

Job opportunities: IRAD presents its agricultural research prowess to the youth of Kribi

As part of the Open House Days (JPO) 2021 of the Ministry of Secondary Education (MINESEC) at the Technical High School of Kribi (Department of the Ocean, Southern Region), on March 25, in the presence of the Minister Pr. Pauline NALOVA LYONGA and the authorities of the city, the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD) managed by Dr. Noé WOIN has discovered its activities in this part of the country.

It was through its operational structures that are the Experimental Research Station on Marine Ecosystems (SERECOMA) of Kribi and the Station of Agricultural Valorization of Nko'olong (SVAN).

In strict compliance with the barrier measures against COVID-19, under the leadership of the Head of SERECOMA, Dr. Sylvie Carole NTYAM, the results of the work on fish pathologies that usually cause heavy losses in the breeding process were presented to the authorities and students of the seaside town.

In order to edify all and especially to sharpen the creative genius of the students of Kribi to orient themselves towards the attractive fields of scientific and technical research, the working material as well as the results of the Station on the biodiversity of marine and coastal organisms were exposed.

It was also showcased species of aquatic organisms preserved in a liquid fixative and the presentation of the results of aquaculture with the exhibition in oxygenated aquariums of species of marine fish (bass, discus, sole) and freshwater fish (catfish or clarias).

Under the aegis of the Chief, Dr. René MENOH in NGON, SVAN displayed the large collection of rubber clones available in the station, products derived from latex, the technique of grafting rubber, rubber seedlings and latex coagulates; high-yielding and disease-resistant cassava varieties (8034) from IRAD; the cassava processing chain into semi-finished (cucumbers) and finished products (gari, sticks, bread, cake, pasta ).

Visibly amazed by the talks and the prowess of the researchers of IRAD contemplated, at the end of the visit of the exhibition stands, a good number of students expressed their satisfaction, not without promising to specialize in these fields after obtaining the baccalaureate.

As a reminder, the SERECOMA (ex-CERECOMA) has the mission to conduct research of the Institute in the maritime and coastal area, in order to promote the welfare of people related to the maritime and coastal area (Atlantic Ocean), while the SVAN is responsible for the valorization of research results on latex plants, roots and tubers.

The Communication Unit

Visit of the General Manager to Wakwa

The DG of IRAD, Dr Noé WOÏN, on a 3-day working visit to the Agricultural Research Center (ARC) of Wakwa.

Accompanied by senior researchers, Dr. Noé WOÏN made a working visit, from March 1 to 3, 2021, in the Operational Structure of the Institute located in the city of Ngaoundéré (Adamaoua region). For a productive and competitive research, he gave priority to cattle, pig, beekeeping, aquaculture and poultry production.

According to the Director General of IRAD, the objective of this visit is to touch the difficulties encountered in the field by researchers and especially to reframe them for a more productive and competitive research.

Thus, researchers have been oriented in the direction of a research in line with the vision 2035 of the government and the National Development Strategy (SND30). "The results of IRAD must help the country to move forward in socio-economic terms. It is necessary to transform post-harvest agricultural products for the development of the country," he recommended to the thirty young researchers of the CRA of Wakwa, on March 1, 2021.

This was an opportunity for the Director of Research to present the priorities of the Institute, the secular arm of the State in agricultural development, likely to respond to import-substitution.

Visit of the nursery for the production of cashew seedlings...

To do this, the DG will ask these young people to leave the specialties chosen in faculty to launch into related areas of research in fallow (including aquaculture, beekeeping, fruit processing ...) and able to provide solutions to the current needs of populations.

Senior researchers Dr. DONGMO Thomas and Dr. SULEM YONG Steve, experts in animal production and aquaculture respectively, shared their expertise (continuous capacity building, attitude of a good researcher, current research opportunities in Wakwa, reflex to adapt to the context...) with the research whites.

Visit to the ox corral

The IRAD-Wakwa Center is very rich in animal and plant production activities and was visited by the DG and his entourage. Led by the head of the Center, Dr. OUMAROU PALOU, the guests of the day visited the nursery for the production of cashew and Acacia senegal (gum arabic) plants as well as other fruit trees (papaya solo, guava, mango, volkameriana lemon... ) and plantain plants, the corral with different breeds of cattle (Wakwa, Namdjis, Mbororo, Bokolo and Boudalé), the lake with high fish farming potential in the locality, the sprinkler irrigation system, the animal health laboratories (research units), the adaptability plot for Brachiaria varieties, the poultry pen (chickens, geese and guinea fowl), the pig pen, the storage warehouse for improved yam varieties, the agri-food laboratory for processing organic ginger produced locally.

As a reminder, the CRA of Wakwa is in charge of the implementation of activities on cattle, animal health and wildlife. It also ensures the conduct of research for the diversification of the agricultural production potential of this area in the areas of annual and perennial crops, production systems and forests, soil and environment.

By Pierre AMOUGOU 

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